Movies that featured High End equipment

I was wondering what movies featured high end audio equipment.The ones i can recall are:9 1/2 weeks,Wall Street and some old Sandra Bullock movie about monkeys and some magic potion (they had Krell system in it).

That's about it.Anyone can add something to it?Thanks
Reigh Over Me - a flick with Adam Sandler, DOn Cheatle and Will Smith's wife.

Sandler in a serious role loses his family in 9-11

He reverts to record collecting and other odd things

VInyl (and a PS game colossus) is his big deal and Cheatle goes record shopping with him
Watched an old Friends rerun last night and they were putting in a home theatre. Front channel speakers were big Martin Logans. Not sure which ones.
Check this out.

If you look very carefully you might see a Neve VR Legend console, Mana Acoustic stands, DH ceramic cones, Shakti pads, Golden Sound absorptive mats, ATC main monitors...
Its been mentioned several times but first place has to go to A Clockwork Orange.

What you got back home, little sister, to play your fuzzy warbles on? I bet you got, say, pitiful, portable picnic players. Come with Uncle Alex and hear all nice and proper!

What a pick up line!
In the movie Broken Flowers, Bill Murray's character has NHT speakers in his home theater setup.