I'm looking to replace my old MMF-7.
Budget $2000 new or used.
Also matching phonostage.
Budget up to $800 new or used.
Don't forget about a matching cartridge.
Music Hall 7 is my first turntable so I'm not really experience in that field.
There are a lot of choices out there - help me choose the best candidate for the money.
Thanks !
Hagerman Cornet phonostage. Any owners. Opinions. It looks like a really nice piece. I LOVE TUBES - JUST CAN'T HELP IT.
Looks like I will go with LENCO 75. About to close the deal for NOS Lenco75 ( It supposed to be in brad new shape, never used. It should arrive in a week or two). I plan to build plinth my self add Denon 103R cartridge and Advanced Analog MG-1 Linear Arm Tonearm.

Thank to all who help me crystalize my decision.

Happy listening !!!
You may be in for a treat. I was just talking with a fellow whose Jean Natais-replinthed Lenco kicked a $5K Nottingham Hyperspace out of bed.
I sure hope so. Besides I love to work with my hands and building this table is definitely a refreshing experience. Surely I will come across some difficulties but reward will be well worth it. Right now my head is spinning with ideas that can be incorporate in my design. I still don't know what it is going to look like. One think for sure it is going to be a MONSTER. I continue my research and gather informations that can help me accomplish what I set to achieve. I set the bar very high for my self on this project and won't rest until accomplished. Only then I will be able to share my experience with my fellow music lovers and may be one day some lost wondering sheep like my self will find the way to a little bit of heaven by seeking a helpful hand and advice. If this happens ...... I'll be there to help not preach.