what are"fun" speakers?

Is it just me, or is it that when people say speakers are "fun" they mean it as a left-handed compliment, kind of like, "these speakers sound pretty good for being so CHEAP". I don't think I've ever heard Wilson's referred to as "fun". I guess you gotta be pretty serious when you listen to those puppies.
Fun speakers..

Linn Isobarik and old Klipsch I have heard have a great sense of humor. :)
I have a pair of Avalon Ascendants. A buddy and I were sitting around one evening listening to Crosby Stills Nash & Young, not having heard it in a while (we're both leftover 70's types) and he said, "Man, I think I must be having a flashback or something. I've heard this 100's of times, but I've never heard what I'm hearing now." The Avalons, on the right material, do have amazing detail and imaging, and it was fun hearing all kinds of stuff we hadn't heard before. However, as with any speaker that tells you things you never knew about source material, the Avalons not infrequently tell me more than I want to know about how messed-up certain recordings are, etc. If I had the money, I'd keep them around "for fun," but I'm happier with Harbeths for everyday listening. It's an interesting batch of compromises, this high-end business.
My interpretation of "fun" speakers are speakers that are easier to get to sound good, even if their potential isn't quite as "absolute" as other speakers. Easier to drive, easier to match, easier to place, not as dependent on room size.
On a whim I bought a pair of Usher S-520s with the bright yellow finish (fantastic finish). You better believe they got attention from anyone entering my listening room. They were fun to listen to and also fun to look at.
When I sold them I listed them here and on audiocircle.com with big color pictures. The first response on AC was "what color are they?" They were even fun to sell.
I don't think it's a left-handed compliment at all . . . I think it's a good thing for speakers to be 'fun'. It's just that frequently we'll give up some or all of the 'fun' part for other things.

An automotive analogy: I have driven a Ferrari 550 several times, and have also owned an MGB . . . and it was the silly little 60-HP MG that would put a smile on my face way faster than the Ferrari. The 3-series BMW that I own now is very nice, but it's not particularly 'fun' -- my 1986 Ford pickup is definately more so. If I had to keep only one . . . it would be a really tough choice.

Likewise, my current loudspeakers (JMLabs) aren't completely devoid of 'fun', but they're definately more serious, like the BMW. My B&O Pentas on the video system are much, much more 'fun'. And if I had to have only one system, I would keep the B&Os, no question. Yes, I'd miss the JMLabs . . . but when it comes to music, 'fun' is pretty high on the list.