Will a NIKKO NR-1015 handle 89db speakers?

I would appreciate an opinion on a Nikko NR-1015 reciever.
I believe it is rated at 85 watts rms. I have a pair of 3 way speakers with 12" woofers. They are acoustic suspension and eat a lot of power. The room they are sitting is medium-small.
Thanks for any information.
89 dB/watt/meter is pretty average efficiency and the receiver will "handle them" just fine. How loud you listen, the speakers impedence curve and the room size are necessary to know if they are a good match. also current capacity of the receiver and whether the 85w is available at 8 ohms or 4.
Are you sure about the wattage? In 1987 I had a Nikko 7075 and it only had 43 wpc, and I seem to recall the wattage increasing with increasing model number (e.g. 8085).