Best Private Retreat Using Closed Headphones

To avoid competing with other distractions around the house, I am reconsidering the use of headphones.

For years, I have had a few pairs and headphone amps around: Etymotics, Grados, and Sennheiser 580's to name a few, but rarely used any of them.

I don't like the claustrophic, inside my head feel of the in ear designs, other than maybe on airplanes or my motorbike where I sometimes listen to books on tape.

And I notice that with open phones, they get much louder from the outside than I would like. I don't want to distract anyone, or broadcast whatever I am listening to.

Are there any audiophile, closed headphones that you have tried? Would these permit a bit of escape without bothering or waking anyone else?

Thanks for thoughts.
I use a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro headphones. Have had them for about five years. Originally bought them as a pair of phones for detailed mixing back when I was recording a lot.

They struck me as extremely musical and unexhausting for a closed ear. I highly recommend them, against the senheisers and grados of similar price. I know they aren't an audiophile brand but worth a look.

Has anyone tried the Audio Technica ATH-AD 700 as raved about in Stereophile?

"I borrowed a pair of the Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 headphones Sam Tellig raved about in his June 2008 column. Their list price is $249, but the street price is $149 and under. Yup, a stellar bargain. The AD700s have a remarkably neutral and unfussy midrange."

The reason I asked is that they came up on my "closed" headphone search, but as far as I can tell this is an "open" headphone.

Or, there are two AT versions - one open and one closed - which differ only by a letter or two in the model number.

Would love to know if anyone has tried them or if this could be the holy grail for bargain basement closed 'phones.

Thank you,
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Or, there are two AT versions - one open and one closed - which differ only by a letter or two in the model number.
The comparable closed model appears to be the ATH-A700.

The main spec differences relative to the ATH-AD700 appear to be that the closed model has slightly greater sensitivity, higher impedance, greater extension in the ultrasonic region, and different cable materials. I have no experience with either model.

I would second the suggestions, though, that you consider the Sony MDR-7506. It is a headphone of choice among many professional videographers, among other applications. See the many user comments on it at B&H's site.
I have a pair which I use for non-critical purposes, primarily amateur videography and voice recording, and I've been very pleased. I haven't tried them in my main system, though.

-- Al