What's the best HDMI cable that you have tried ?

The best low priced HDMI cable...Sony Flat DLC-HD18HFW from WalMart. The best on the market that I have tried...WireWorld Silver Starlight 5.2
I use the Wire World too. Use VDH on the bedroom set as I am a dealer, it is good also. Monoprice is quite good for a very low price.
Parts Express Flat HDMI cable. I tried 5 aftermarket more expensive cables until I stumbled upon one of these. Ultimately replaced all five cables in two systems.
Ya, me 3. (After incorrectly assuming more expensive is better.) I own one of them there 6 hundred dollar WireWorld Silver hdmi's.
I have 2 cable boxes going to the same tv and the freebie from TWC is the WW's equal.--Why would someone need 2 boxes going to the same tv?--I can record 2 programs at the same time and watch a third,on the other box. Also, I can give the programs I'm recording a head start,(NBA finals)then zoom thru the commercials.--My tv is the Pioneer elite plasma,60 inch-er.
The Amazon's Ultra-High-Speed HDMI Cable is fantastic and a great value. It is very well shielded. I can easily see the difference when
comparing to a stocked cable. Playing the blu ray disc "Up", I can see noise in the blue sky with stocked cable but it is
absolutely noise free using the Amazon cable. I got it for $19.95 (3M) but its price has gone up to 25.90 recently but it is still a great buy
