Top 5 Cue Joints

250 Goners took the hamburger challenge. How do you roll with BBQ:

1) Korean style: Anjin, Costa Mesa, California
2) Hawaiian style: Helena's, Honolulu, Oahu
3) Santa Maria style: Far West Tavern, Santa Maria, CA
4) Memphis: Tom's BarBQ
5) Texas: Kreuz Market, Austin, TX

And if you are in Georgia: check out the Gumlog Barbecue and Fish Lodge and tell them Bongofury sent you.
After leaving the fanous Freemont dragstrip with a now famous prostock driver. We headed north insearch of the best BBQ joint in No Cali. Except I couldnt recall exactly where it was all I knew it was in Oakland. Yes that Oakland; murder capitol of America birthplace of MC Hammer. Traveling north from the track I played it off like I knew where we were going and told the driver: get off on Hegenburger and go right to east 14th street! After we reached 14th we stopped to let a pedestrian cross the street and cross is a great overstatement. I didnt know which way to go. The guy crossing the street was experiancing probably one of his best heroine highs in recent memory, his memory as it was. Took him about ten minutes. At least five to the center of the street where were stopped, , , waiting. I rolled down the window and yelled at this guy "WHERE'S FLINTS BAR B QUE". The guy stopped his stumble, turned around, raised his arm like a Nazi saluting Hitler and replied "flat whey". When we got there it big unrest. A crowd of about twenty five in a joint fit for ten. A customer at the front was really mad. "WADDA YA MEAN YA AINT GOT NO SLABS! LEFT I CALLED IN", and really big (bout two seventy five). This is definately a shuot to order kind of place. So when the waitress saw me standing at the front door. She shouted "Waddle ya have sweetie". The only appropriate reply was "I'll take two half slabs and I pick em up at the back door".