Best 300B

Can anyone compare the new Genelex PX300B tube to either Svetlana 300B's, Western Electric 300B's, Sophia 300B mesh plates,newer KR300B tubes or Electro Harmonix 300B's.

From my experience the Svetlanas sound a lot like the Western Electric 300B reissues. New KR300b's are better than the older KR VV32B's, KR VV300B's or KR VV302B's and all the above are better than Electro Harmonix 300B's

My Sophia Mesh Plates sounded very good in my Manley Retros but after several listening sessions I put them back in their boxes because the bias kept changing at the recommended setting. Whenever I get around to it I'm going to compare them to others in one of my self biasing amps.

Thanks in advance,
Shuguang Treasures Black bottles. They compare very favorably with EAT 300b and that says a lot. However, as has been mentioned they have a long burn-in time.
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Hi Montejay,
I did`nt know you had compared the TJ 300bSE version I thought you have the carbon plate(non SE). The 6 moons review was a rave for the SE tube and they`re usally spot on with their reviewing. But I same as you just love the treasure tubes and hope others get a chance to hear them also. The eastern european(EML/EAT) have great reviews but are even more expensive than these premiun tubes from china.
Those ebay prices were tempting and I`ve read where others have purchase without any apparent problems. I remained conservative and bought the top tier versions from Grant Audio, more money but piece of mind ruled the day.
Tvad, be very careful! The tubes made for the local market are said to show unacceptable quality fluctuations (can't find the press coverage anymore but the measurements were flabbergasting). I was offered a "matched pair" for a nice price in Europe once, turned out the guy had actually bought a random lot ("matched", you bet) in Hongkong and was making a big profit on the sale, concealing their origin.