How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".
Ditto Josh Groban's "you raise me up" My mother's favorite song I had actually had someone sing it at her Funeral. Bless her sole.
Paul, if it was that Sugerland song with the incipiently-hysterical-woman-in-a-state-of-self-obsessed-desperation video you mean, I cried (or cried out), too -- although probably not for the same reason :).

But here was a surprising classic show-stopper for me: I volunteer-ushered some years back at the road troupe presentation of "Jesus Christ, Superstar" at the Palace Theater because a friend asked me to help out. In CONTEXT (and please try to forget all about the point-missing Helen Reddy version), the song "I Don't Know How to Love Him" was simply spellbinding. For human, not religious reasons.