What do audiophiles listen in their cars?

I know this is not a car audio sight, but it would help me out a lot if I could get input as to what the discriminating audiophiles listen to in their cars.

If you can give me a detailed list of the system, I would really appreciate it - I am starting an affordable Hifi shop that includes car audio.

Thanks a mill. in advance...
Schubert, I attempt to look at it as free driving lessons. Still, after about 8 hours of free driving lessons it can get old. Being the clever fellow that I am, I have instituted the following rule. "Whoever drives picks the music."
So when the advice gets old, the Mahler goes in and the volume goes up. What, you are tired of Mahler? How would you like to drive?
My wife. But if I'm lucky, I try to listen to 90.1 FM (Philly)which plays classical during the day and switches over to jazz after 6pm.