Best reasonably priced classic hi-end tuner

Hi fellow Audiogoners - I am looking for a classic FM tuner that won't break the bank. I understand the early McIntosh tuners such as the MR 67, 71 and 78 are highly regarded but there are conflicting opinions as to which sounds best. I would love a Marantz 1O B, but i don't have $3,000 to spend. I welcome your timely thoughts on the Mac's and am open to other suggestions as well.
Thanks in advance.
Accuphase T100 is outstanding. It's AM too - it was my 8th tuner and last. Great reception and slightly warm tonal balance without getting too tube like. Excellent bass. Weighs and ton - built like a tank. Mine is over 30+ years old - the only problem so far is the dial lights are just a tad dim. Usually sell for up to 750 when they come up but that is not often.

FWIW some Mac's are quite good, especially the older ones, i,e, tube tuners, as are the Marantz, but often their reception etc is not so hot. But they sure can sound nice. I'm not impressed with anything post MR78's and even then not so much. BTW, stick with analog tuners if you can. You know what everyone thinks about digital :-)

Its fun to read all of the comments on the FM site, but bear in mind if you go there that these guys are radio freaks, not audio freaks. There comments on audio issues may not be up to your expectations.
second Magnum Dynalab- any model in your price range-dont forget about the antenna too