room setup

I have read several articles including Cardas and the audio perfectionist about room/speaker setup. After many hours of trial an error I have come up with an optimum placement of the speakers.

Practicality dictates that my TV be setup between my speakers about 2 feet behind the front of the speakers. As we all know practicality simply goes out the window with our affliction. It seems to me that not only threoretically but in reality the TV becomes a reflective surface producing negetive imaging, etc. I will probably start experimenting, but its really not easy to move the 32 inch TV and the cabinet that it sits on. Any one want to weigh in on this?
Hey all, good input. I never thought of using the blanket. I do most of my "critical" listening at night with the light off so cosmetics not an issue. Try it you will like it.

A projection TV with a drop down screen is definitely on the wish list for the future.
I like the idea of the blanket as well. My wife makes designer quilts and I have one the size of my 60" RPTV, which is recessed into the wall leaving 16" projecting out into the room. My speakers are about 18" in front of the plane of the TV and 22" to the sides. Your distance will be different depending on your speakers' radiation pattern, height, timbre, etc. It is a reflective surface and scattered high frequencies. The sound is alot truer and natural with the blanket in place. Good luck
I'm not disagreeing with anyone, but I'm confused about how a tv would have a negative effect on low frequencies since it seems to ubiquitous. I would think the high freq. would cause the problems??
hey ...guess who

I did a field trip once....using a percussion instrument,a small wood block ,the ones they use for latin music etc...You could use a triangle or any inexpensive bongo.

Go outdoors and strike it several times.Get used to the sound "au naturel".Make sure there are no walls or your not in between houses because you will get the awful cement bounce.So drive out far from walls.What you are hearing is the full harmonics and full dynamics.

Now take that same instrument,go to your bedroom and try it a foot away from your bed....oh where are those harmonics and dynamics...all sucked up.=absorption

Now go and strike it a few inches from your RPTV,mine was a pioneer elite,piano black etc...What do you think happened????

I'll leave you hanging and see if anybody wants to take a guess?I'll post again tomorrow....
Robm, I didn't see anything suggesting that low frequencies are a problem. Nsgarch calculated that only higher frequencies than about 200 Hz would be affected. The issue, I believe, is potentially one of soundstage and a bit of higher end distortion if the same music is hitting your ears at different times. Of course, that always happens but it's best when controlled through good room design and speaker placement. It's one of the reasons first reflection points are often damped or diffused.