Any advantage or dis whn bolting rack to wall?????

Hello all,
I just made my own rack and with my physical and monetary limitations I am very proud of my efforts, it is almost 60 inches in height made from MDF for the shelves with Oak legs, but being above the basement it does rock slightly so I was curious about mounting a bracket to a stud and anchoring it to the back wall, is this a good or bad idea? I do have isolation pucks under most important peices untill I can get more, or I may use Brss Achorns under the remaining componets for a cheap tweak, any ideas? thanks once again everyone.
you might want to rethink the idea of bolting to a wall unless it's a solid exterior supporting wall. Interior walls are typically just flimsey 2X4 + wallboard construction, which will flex along with the music's sound pressure against it - especially the bass frequancies. This would cause your whole rack to vibrate, introducing intermodulations back into the source equipment & essentially exciting a closed feedback loop.

Those who have attempted to even wall-mount a turntable shelf onto an interior wall surface can likely attest to the sonic disadvantages of such an approach.