Speed bumps as a cause of hearing loss.

Have any members driven over a "speed bump" (these are the elevated paved bumps to force you to drive slower)while listening to the car stereo and immediately noticed a hearing loss(distortion, high frequency loss and level decrease)? I am a chiropractor and can verify the fact that speed bumps will absolutely mis-align the tiny bones in the ear so music sounds terrible afterwards, write your city councilman about these. I have to slow to less than 5mph in order to prevent this governmental assault and battery.
Slipknot1 asked: "Will our MD's on the forum PLEASE weigh in on this one?"

I am not an MD (although I do train them) but it is my background in anatomy, physiology and neuroscience that moved me to ask for any evidence for this heretofore unknown phenomenon.

.................I stopped going to Chiropractors years ago......I started to notice some hearing loss...peace!
I'm with you Kal. I was hoping an ENT specialist would jump in to refute such nonsense. But, given your background, I'll take your word for it.
after that bit with the "expanding universe" i think mint smoked some bad s#!t.