Speed bumps as a cause of hearing loss.

Have any members driven over a "speed bump" (these are the elevated paved bumps to force you to drive slower)while listening to the car stereo and immediately noticed a hearing loss(distortion, high frequency loss and level decrease)? I am a chiropractor and can verify the fact that speed bumps will absolutely mis-align the tiny bones in the ear so music sounds terrible afterwards, write your city councilman about these. I have to slow to less than 5mph in order to prevent this governmental assault and battery.
Mint604...Slamming car doors, as you suggest, could produce stong LF pressure wave. However, some cars are tighter than others, and car manufacturers pride themselves on how well the car is sealed.

Toyota, which is particularly good, during design evaluation uses something they call the "cat test". They close up all the windows and vents and put a cat into the car on Friday afternoon. When they come in on Monday morning the cat should be dead.

An US manufacturer (pick your favorate) thought this was a neat test, so they did it on one of their latest products. When they came in Monday morning, the cat was gone!
Mint604 wrote: "YES I do adjust the bones in the ears with great results...."

How? Do you blow in the ear?

Eldartford wrote: "Since when, on Audiogon, has it been necessary to produce any evidence for heretofore unknown phenomenae?"

Evidence is not necessarily proof. Evidence can be simply a clear description of the observation, rather than an assertion that the phenomenon exists.

Don't dismiss the car door pressurization theory out of hand. The Kremlin still hasn't released the full report, but it was reported by Western intelligence agencies that back in 1975 an Aeroflot jet exploded on the runway after ground crews slammed the airliner's door closed. The rush of air and the resulting cabin pressurization proved lethal to 120 passengers, 7 crew member and a menagerie of small farm animals. Aeroflot flew with their doors open for years after this incident.
Further to the cat test, the PETA activists are especially aggressive in the UK.

This explains why English cars are poorly built and exhibit a less than Mercedes like, air tight clunk when the doors are closed.

This enables the cats to survive the test, and for the manufacturer to carry on building, despite the presence of the activists.