Audio cables or Audio gear from N Z or Australia

Any companies making (((state of the art)))) Audio gear or audio cables that we should know about.

the 'art' they've got down...the 'state' is queationable. the 'inerds' of most of smaller companies stuff is comical. kind of the audio equivilent of that quirky nz film 'goodbye porkpie.'
PSC Audio for cables. They specialise in silver based ribbons. Speaker and interconnects

Check out
So Jaybo enlighten us with your vast knowledge of New Zealand and Australian audio gear what companies you are alluding to. Make sure to include each specific component and the system in which it was heard. This should be good.
>>smaller companies stuff is comical. kind of the audio equivilent of that quirky<<

Quirky companies such as Plinius and Supratek for example?
Just curious.
Slinkylinks cables, great value, Perreaux & Plinius amplification, Osborn speakers.

Lotta of this kit around the world, I don't think most of the owners find it very "comical".