Sfar- Close, but no cigar: that unit has speaker level inputs. The one I am talking about is this one:
Reference Tools the unit I had was defective out of the box, but was repaired. ASL in the past had some qa/qc issues, but others have said that those days are past.
And to the fine gent who asked about my moniker; you were close. I am a wetland scientist and often spend several days a week marking wetland boundaries and looking at the creepy-crawly things that live therein. But not in FL. I am snowbound in CT these days.
Reference Tools the unit I had was defective out of the box, but was repaired. ASL in the past had some qa/qc issues, but others have said that those days are past.
And to the fine gent who asked about my moniker; you were close. I am a wetland scientist and often spend several days a week marking wetland boundaries and looking at the creepy-crawly things that live therein. But not in FL. I am snowbound in CT these days.