Tube cage help


I am thinking of getting a Bottlehead paramour, but little children like to touch things that glow. Where can I find a suitable tube cages to fit dimensions of 7.25x11.25x5 inches (height of the tubes from base plate). I was only able to find something by Hammond measuring 10x6x5.2 inches. It looks ok and is just big enough, but Id like to choose from several options instead of only having one to pick from.

I searched google for about an hour. Any suggestions for what other key words I could use? I used "tube, cage, enclosure, wire basket, electronic component, supply, vacuum" in various combinations.

Someguy: If you just want to see what's available, go to Google and search "perforated metal" and look at some of the websites.

Then go to your local sheet metal fabricator and see what kind he might have laying around (your job may not be worth placing a minimum order, so it's good to find a shop that does a lot of perf metal jobs.)
Just an additional though I had my ARC Vt-60 chrome plated at a pro plating shop for a flat $300.00 fee its drop dead picture shaving mirror perfect.
Also I think you can get cages at Parts Connection for amp kits.
Richingoth, what a cool source! How did you ever find them?! I'll bet they'd do custom sizes too.