>>"no matter how i shut the system down, preamp off first and power amps second or the other way around, i get ungodly squaking sounds from my speakers."<<
You should turn off the power amp first. Turn on the power amp last.
Also when you turn off the power amp no signal should be flowing. By chance do you have a mute switch on your preamp. If so try setting the mute switch to mute then shut off the power amp. See if that helps. You are turning off the power amp with the switch on the power amp aren't you.
You should turn off the power amp first. Turn on the power amp last.
Also when you turn off the power amp no signal should be flowing. By chance do you have a mute switch on your preamp. If so try setting the mute switch to mute then shut off the power amp. See if that helps. You are turning off the power amp with the switch on the power amp aren't you.