Vacuum tube tester repair

Do any of you virtual peoples out there know of any one who repairs Hickok tube testers, specificly the ones made for Western Electric? I'm a techhead, but I would have to take up methamphetimines before even considering trying to fix this problem. Everything is working except it won't measure pentodes correctly. A wire was broken off a switch pole and I soldered it back to where it looked like it went. Maybe not. This thing has about a 1/4 mile of wiring, custom made switches, and schmatic that looks like one of those optical illusion drawings.
Post your question to the Usenet Newsgroup:
I am sure you will get the help you need.
There was a woman who advertised in VTV magazine that repaired Hickock tube testors. You could email Charlie Kittleson the publisher; I'm sure he could put you in touch with her. I think her name was Sue Chaffee or something like that.

John_tracy, I believe your thinking of Kara Chaffee, she repaired my Hickok 752 a couple of years ago but is no longer doing repairs.

The only repair I know of presently is here:
Hickok Repair

Here's a Great page for general info on tubes and testers by Harry Straub

Harry Straub/Hickok
William Waters ( AKA Hickok Doc) repairs and calibrates tube testers. He is located in Fredrick, Maryland and can be reached at
Thanks everybody for their responses. Although it's not showing in this thread, one of these links connected me to a Mr. Kennedy at . He seems to be a freindly individual, and his prices are reasonable. In addition he offers technical assistance, which is probably the way I'm going to skin this particular cat.