$1,000 to spend on room treatment....

My new room 21*13*7 has very bad acoustic: flutter echo of hell (a solid 2 seconds of metallic echo for each clapping of hands), bass resonance and probably more that hides being the first 2 but that will become noticeable later on. I have a max of $1,000 to spend to treat it and already own 4 fiberglass panels 2*4 that I can use to treat mids and diffuse. What do you suggest - price when new to be consistent? There are some room kits that seem to fit the bill (www.primacoustic.com) but I need guidance on this. Tks.
don't know the price, but what about rives' parametric equalizer? any exp? is it transparent to the source?
Personally, my wife and I find the foam products esthetically unacceptable unless covered or concealed.

As for efficacy, there are graphs at www.realtraps.com comparing several products. There's another acoustics site that has lots of data, but I will have to post again when I re-locate it.

Also, let me join in the recommendation of Brian at SensibleSoundSolutions. Good advice and good products.

Stehno, I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, in as much as I have learned some good stuff from you over the last few years while lurking, but with all your recommendations isn't there a concern of over dampening the room.

I know there are a number of schools of thought in re of this but some reflective surfaces can be a good thing.

Any thoughts on this???
Found it! This is a great site for acoustics info:

Hi, uppermidfi. Overdampening especially for $1000 should not be a concern. There's already most likely plenty of reflection and liveliness off the walls and ceiling. But the first point of reflection should always be the floor.

Any glass frames, lamps, wooden or glass tabletops, and leather furnishings only makes things worse.

I'm not advocating he carpet his walls or anything like that. Simply to remove or cover any potentially reflective furnishings and accessories in the front half of his listening room. Especially on the floor. And with a 7ft high ceiling it may be even more important to do so.

Several years ago, in a similar room size, I replaced some very nice leather furniture with a overly stuffed cloth furniture and was impressed with the audible improvements.

Perhaps the point I really want to get across is that for the 10 years industry insiders fed us the line that 80% of our systems' sonics are the result of room acoustics and we needed these room treatments.

And of course we all bought into that and there are still a few that cling to that myth verbally while many others cling to it in mind and spirit.

When in fact, I think the room's acoustics account for perhaps 20 to 30 percent at most and the speaker placement within the room far exceeds the benefits of addressing room acoustics and room treatments only.

My experience is rather limited, but about 3 years ago I had a reviewer/columnist out to my home evaluating my system. At the end of 3 hours I informed him that we were relocating to another part of the country, he said, "good luck trying to find a listening room like this one." And I agreed.

My new listening rooms' acoustics are horrific in comparison to the old room. And yet after several months of moving the speakers around, I was able to extract even greater sonics from this poor room that the previous room.

Essentially the only thing missing is a couple of the lowest Hertz in the 25-28 Hz range because of the taller ceilings. Everything else simply sounds better.

So while some members of the industry swung the pendelum so far toward the rooms' acoustics, I just want to say hey, maybe what they've been feeding us isn't quite so accurate.

And if that is true, it wouldn't be the first nor the last time industry insiders have done so.

And when I see how much people are spending on room treatments and on new rooms, it's rather surprising. Especially since it is often these very same people who've done nothing toward installing proper line conditioning and proper vibration control both of which in many case may offer far more improvement over the room's acoustics and treatments.

One thing you may notice is that these days there seems to be fewer and fewer people that cling to the "the room (and its acoustics) make up 80% of the sound of your system." claim anymore. That's a good sign.

Anyway, thanks for your comments.
