
Found a website which is signed with Romy the Cat.
Haven't read all, but who is he?
What's your opinion about that?
I'm a HUGE fan of Romy The Cat's website.

Personally, I found his theory on DPOLS (Dead Points Of Live Sound) regarding loudspeaker position interesting enough to give it a shot myself. The end result went far beyond my expectations. It proved to me that loudspeaker positioning (the speaker - room interface, actually) is one of the most signficant links in the audio chain.

Briefly, there is a tremendously narrow window where improvements shift from the linear to the geometric. As such, spending the time and effort to move your speakers around, and assess the impact - either positive or negative will guide you towards benefits that go beyond what one would believe before trying it. After trying to digest it, I saw analogies with focusing a pair of binoculars and similar things, and it all made perfect sense.

The Goodsoundclub is a scarily fun and insightful website. Of course, for those who revel in the pretense of high end audio, their blood must boil. I have a tremendous amount of respect for anyone who puts so much of himself into advancing the hobby, especially, when no monetary reward is involved.

Yes, surely he's a guy who is opinionated, controversial, and goes against the grain. Thank goodness! Exactly the type of voice which is most needed in high end audio.
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