Tube Test Results

I've read descriptions of tubes for sale here claiming that claim the tubes for sale "Good" or "Excellent" on their teting machines. What does this mean?

If a tube is not "Excellent" does that mean that their is not as much life left but, sound quality is not affected or, tube life is deteriorating and sound is too.

I guess my ultimate question is, do tubes burn out like a light bulb - running strong until the filament burns up or, do they die like a battery - less and less energy over time?

Talking about specifically 6SN7GTs as an example - if that matters.

John do you mean two electroes to test: the cathode and the anode, withthe plate being the third (i.e. triode?) If so, I guess that makes sense then. But, what do the numbers represent?
JAN MIN for a 6SN7 tube is 50/50, which means throw it away. So, 65/65 means the tube is nearly dead.
Jburidan, thanx. That really helps.

Say I'm using a 6SN7 in the driver or input section of an integrated amp. Will it be obvious when the tube dies? Will it blow up? Will the volume just drop? Will it get staticky??

thanx much
Never had that happen, but it won't blow up. You'll notice it though. Probably the amp will sound weak and/or bloaty.