Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????

Do to a dumb electrical move I blew a fuse in my amp and thankfully it did just what it was supposed to do. No damage to my amp. What are my replacement options ???? I have heard some audiophile fuse's are out there for $25 a fuse....any comments would be appreciated.
Here's the info I received from Furutech's USA office (they have no US distributor yet):

Dear Howard,

Thank you for your interest in Furutech product.

Our suggested retail price for Furutech Fuse 6.3A 30mm is $50.00 / piece.

Currently we do not have any more stock for it, if you are interested to place an order, we will order it from our Tokyo office.

Look forward to your reply.


Alpha Design Labs Inc.
Tel: 626-571-5333
Metro04, I know a fuse is a simple design, but I also know bypassing them greatly improves the sound. The issue is how to not bypass them and get great sound. I don't think that is easy to do. I would suspect that materials would be the crucial problem and I would presume that contacts are another. Why no one solders in the simple fuse surprises me. I can also understand why after investing R&D money they might not want to reveal it.

Write back if you run accross an explanation during your reading adventures. With such R&D investment, one would expect patents of some sort (international), and maybe there are. Then again, maybe there's nothing involved, and wouldn't be past me to purchase one for lab research benefits (including internals). Being amongst many fellow skeptics, this could be beneficial.

Now, understandably, there are concerns for fuseholder contacts as well. But, as with all AC power applications, there are several wiring and plug connections from/and within the breaker box to keep in mind, besides focussing on fuse and connection quality which probably happens quite often. (IMHO)

I'll look into it.
Interesting, Aggie. I spoke with Patti yesterday to confirm the $60 price on my price sheet.
Metro04, I do know of several manufacturers who rightfully I think choose to not pursue patents as they are too easily bypasses by slight changes.

I can understand skepticism but I don't understand not trying something so cheap. I grant that trying things often does not prove satisfying as I experienced with the ERS paper and Bibbie filters. But I am not about to buy all four of the audio quality fuses to see which is best.

By the way, I value your reasoned skepticism as opposed to the "I don't understand this, therefore it is a scam" skepticism. I think people run a continuum from not trying anything to trying even the wildest tweaks. I suspect that I am more toward the latter.