Audiophile Electrocution

On one of the company-sponsored discussion boards I read (for my brand of speakers), the head of the company is always warning us about power and how dangerous it is and how careful we must be. And we all read a lot of stern warnings about not opening up amps, about household wiring, licensed electricians and what not. I don't want to make light of this of this. But I am curious; do you know of any audiophiles who have been hurt or killed while tinkering with their systems? Have you been zapped?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
No real long term effects, I just felt weird for a number of days. A month or so later it was all a distant memory.

As a youth I was curious if an electric fence was on that I saw on the side of the road, so I grabbed it with my hand.... it was on. I've zapped myself more then a few times installing outlets and light switch dimmers and all of those pale in comparison to the amp zap.
I had a good zap checking the ignition wires on my '77 Firebird while the car was running. That 50,000 volt HEI ignition sure hits hard, and so did my head on the inside of the open car hood.

"I had a good zap checking the ignition wires on my '77 Firebird while the car was running. That 50,000 volt HEI ignition sure hits hard, and so did my head on the inside of the open car hood."

Ah the memories that brings back!
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