"Integrated Amp" Do I dare go there??????

Hello Audiogoner's,
Without going into huge details I'll get right to the point!!!!, can a serious Stereophile, really survive on integrated amp alone?? after having separates for over 40 years, are there any really awesome integrated amps out there which could out perform my present system?. I am Running Krell, gear but I am getting that change gear itch! Bad Idea! can't be done?, let me know sugestions appreciated. ******Thank You Again.
Sure you can. Assuming you don't need gobs of power, there are many excellent products out there.
However, outperforming yr present system is another matter, as I don't know what it is.

Other than the itch and the obvious advantage of 1 pair less IC, what is it that attracts you to an integrated?
Absolutely not! No wayyyyyyy! I cannot imagine a real audiophile using an integrated amp. Your epaulets should be torn off and your sword broken as you're banned from the local audio salon.

You'll have to get rid of a pair of interconnects and you'll also lose a power cord opportunity that could really lock in your system and take it to the next level. Having your preamp section optimally matched to the power amp section isn't all that it's cracked up to be. And don't forget that if you go the integrated route your choices are so much more limited. Off the top of my head I can only think of Krell, Rowland, Mark Levinson, Musical Fidelity, PS Audio, Pathos, Myrad, Plinius, Creek, Rega, YBA, Exposure, DK, ASR, Sim, McIntosh, Classe, Viva, Manley, Arcam, VTL, Electrocompaniet, Tact and Consonance as the only high end brands that even bother to make integrated.

What will your friends say?
Check out the Roland Concerta, the Roland Concentra II, the Musical Fidelity Trivista 300 or KW models. all of these integrates have tons of power and are exceptionally musical. Will they "beat out" what you have? Who knows, but many of my "seperates only" buddies have seen just how great a integrated can be when they hearrd them in my home.
Enjoy the search