BPT vs. Hydra 8- Your thoughts?

I'm a big fan of the Balanced Power Technologies conditioners and have been quite amazed at the increase in resolution and grunge reduction they provide. So- no complaints.

Having read so many raves regarding the Hydra however, my curiosity has peaked. Hence the question- who among you has experience with both, and what were your impressions?

Thanks for your comments in advance.
I have owned both the BPT 3.5 Sig and the Hydra 8, and they are great conditioners, but the BPT beat out the Hydra 8 in my system on all counts by a fair margin. Neither gave me any troubles with power limiting with high current amps.
I also preferred the BPT 3.5 sig over the Hydra 8. The Hydra sounded a little dark with rolled off highs in my system. On the other hand I do use the Hydra 4 on my digital, none of that darkness. Perhaps the Fesi and copper of the Hydra 8 vs. no Fesi and silver of the Hydra 4? I've also found no current limiting with the BPT
I suppose there's nothing wrong with reporting/describing one's impressions of two (or three or four) different "power treatment" devices; but unless they are all (operationally) the same kind of device, I think making any comparisons between them is inappropriate.

So for instance, saying the "BPT beat out the Hydra" is not a revelation. I'd always expect a balanced power unit to trump a conditioner of reasonably equivalent build quality regardless of brand.
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