Shakti Stones Do they actuall work guys.

Shakti Stones: Does this work?

Where are you placing them if you only had one or two?
What is it doing to your system?

I need some straight answers please!
I can hear a difference in Powercords and cables and all others for sure, CONES and isolations devices work but depending, on my Table, you bet! On my amplifier I am not sure. so......any inputs are appreciated

I have 13 stones and 23 on-line pair. Yes, they do work. I use two at the subpanel where my dedicated lines emerge. This is a huge help. I experimented with 1-3 stones on my APL 3910, my Theta Citadel monoblocs, my Vandersteen 5a speaker on the top front tweeter(one on-line each), and my AudioexcellenceAz Power Wing(2 stones). I actually find that three stones on each works even better than one or two.
The on-lines work tremendously on all wire terminations. I have 1-2 at each termination. Some are presently on loan to my video system where they greatly improve the audio/video of my Tivo DirecTv HR 10 HD receiver.
I have yet to experience any negatives, but a local friend feels there is a small dryness along with the greatly reduced noise floor. He is currently using only on-lines in his system.
I hope this helps.
Anybody experiment with Shakti stone on his head while listening?Any difference?
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