Shakti Stones Do they actuall work guys.

Shakti Stones: Does this work?

Where are you placing them if you only had one or two?
What is it doing to your system?

I need some straight answers please!
I can hear a difference in Powercords and cables and all others for sure, CONES and isolations devices work but depending, on my Table, you bet! On my amplifier I am not sure. so......any inputs are appreciated

Yioryos, it doesn't work that way, but I find that if you stand erect about 6 feet from the speakers and hold one stone in each hand, it improves your blood circualtion.
I have had three stones installed for a year - one on each amp and one on my Hydra. Couldn't really say they made a difference until I took a stone off the Hydra and placd it on my cd player. I had forgotten I had made this change and when I listened a few days later, the highs sounded unnatural, almost edgy. It was pretty bad - not at all how I remembered my system sounding. It was the same on vinyl, squeezebox and FM. I checked the whole system and couldn't find anything wrong, until I remembered I had moved the stone. When I placed it back on the hydra, all went back to normal. Great sound had returned. Now I know they work.
Once I put the stone back on the hydra, it snapped right into place. The system was running for a few hours so it took no time at all.
They work great, IF you use them right. But first, they need to be harmonically balanced. You do this by putting the 'family stones' in a vise and tighten down real snug. Then you release the tension. At first, you you will notice some slight discomfort, but upon release you will immediatly noticed a vast improvement! Thus, you have been harmonically balanced! :) the only thing left to do after that is check your warp drive coils, I think they need a little tweaking too.