Where do I go from here?

Really need some help.. my system is pretty wussie compared to you guys.. but I am trying to figure out where to spend my next oh say $800.. and I mean $800 cash PLUS the sale of existing equipment..
Here is my setup:

Preamp: Eico HF-85 no hum all original.
Amp: Threshold 400a (new caps)
CD Player: Onix XCD-88 (stock, no a/d upgrade)
Speakers: Vandersteen 2ce's (bi cabled).

I hear there is an upgrade for the Onix that warms it up.. I have the sockets; but need to buy the actual converters still..

When I bought the Vandersteens I knew I was finally "home".. I love the sound.. I wonder if upgrading to the 2ce signature models would be wise?

Anyhow.. thoughts.. I dont know where the next bang for the buck is.. I fear that I am at the point where I need to spend "big money" to make a difference like the vandersteens did..

Any help would be wonderful!

Four things made a huge difference for me and my system and they are in order of how I would place them in priority:

1. At least two dedicated circuits (one for digital and the other for amps
2. Power conditioning, my Audio Magic Matrix is just awesome
3. Adding my restored Eico HF-81 integrated tube amp, it is nothing short of musically amazing
4. Upgrading the cheap parts in my speaker crossover networks, doing this bettered any IC, power cord or speaker cable I've owned or tried (and I have/had some expensive ones from NBS, Electraglide, Nirvana, Cocierto, Argent Audio, Acoustic Zen, etc.)

First off I want to say; last night I moved my Harmon Kardon HK825 into place and back to backed it with the Eico HF85. I am sorry to say; my Eico is no longer my favorite. The HK at least last night showed me more music than the Eico did. The only downside s that the Eico seems to play female voices better that the HK.. and I love Lisa Loeb so its not good. :(.

As far as the HF-81 amp.. no way in heck a small tube amp is gonna power my Vandy's.. they are power suckers.. my now gone but not forgotten Klipsch Heresy II's would have been great.. but I have given up on Klipsch horn idea.. I have decided it the worst sounding speaker around.. unless you are throwng an OUTDOOR party and want to jam to black sabbeth! THEN they would be awesome.

The whole reason that am thinking about the Signature series 2ce speakers (vandersteen) is #4 of Mikes list.. all of the crossover electronics were upgraded.. and now I read there is a sig series II!!! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT???? gotta reasearch..

Anyway.. thanks for the preamp advice.. I think the eico will be powered on once in awhile to keep the caps happy but thats about it.. maybe some jazz music.. it still might have its place..

AND.. due to this forum I spent $200 on gold cd's on amazon last night.. thanks guys.. you are all draining my pockets! :)
I spent $200 on gold cd's on amazon last night...
Now THAT'S the spirit. Diy cables next.

BTW, Klipschorns are very good spkrs -- esp with a few mods! Really.
No disrepect to Klipsch owners intended.. and I was really only speaking of Heresy II's.. and its just my opinion.. speakers as we all know are all subject to individual taste.

DIY cables.. where to I look for parts? I'll start searching in the mean time.
Jprinz writes:
due to this forum I spent $200 on gold cd's on amazon last night
Don't just arbitrarily assume those gold CDs are better than the original (not remastered) CD release. If you want to know, try searching at http://www.stevehoffman.tv/forums/. It's a very common topic.
