Do we believe in Machina Dynamics?

Let's see: we've had the pebbles, the little clock, the turntable platform that includes only some old springs...and now the Contact Paper CD tweek. Do any of us believe in this? I know Geoff's an advertiser, and actually a very nice guy, but come on, fellow audiophiles...this is all the epitome of snake oil! No?
Every idea was tried, and has failed, numerous times. Despite being a nice guy, all he's selling is audio nonsense.
Placing 2-3 of these in your room helps dial in the soundstage and supports the bass response.

Ozzy, those pebbles actually helped the bass of your Andra II's? That's interesting. [no puns intended]
Hey Jeffrey, best is to simply ignore Norm. He has zero technical knowledge, so there is absolutely nothing to learn from him.

Seemingly his political science background has given him ample training spinning the facts, insulting others and clouding the truth. Truth be told I skip over his posts because I couldn't be bothered the read the reams of BS he posts.

Hi Ozzy

No, I am not going to flame you and I am glad the brilliant pebbles work for you. From Geoffs white paper, I see said pebbles absorb a wide range of audio signals and RFI and EMI signals.

(It also eludes that RFI and EMI signals act like low frequency audio signals which is not quite true, but lets leave that for now)

Many companies like RPG, ABS, GIK, Auralex, Acoustic Art etc. sell products with similar, albeit not so lofty, claims. These companies send their products in for testing at laboratories and then publish the results of said tests.

Do you not think that in light of many so many skeptics, GK could shut us up by simply having the pebbles tested and publishing the results. Measuring sound absorption is hardly rocket science.

>>He has zero technical knowledge<<

Not true. He has extensive experience with Doppler preamplifiers, ceramic cables and a bunch of other loser products that hit the skids as soon as they hit the market. Science be damned!!!!!

Do a forum search and you'll see a history of somebody who changes system components as frequently as most of us change socks.

I'm not making this up. If you take the time it reads like a John Irving novel.

Only funnier.
So if you have some extra time on your hands, you could visit the Machina Dynamica website. On the Teleportation Tweak page, Mr Kait introduces the product with a curious quote:

Fiery the angels fell.
Deep thunder rolled around their shores...
Burning with the fires of Orc.

This is a quote from the movie Blade Runner, which itself quotes (with slight modification) a poem, America: A Prophecy, by William Blake. Both Blade Runner and Blake's poem have been interpreted as being anti-establishment, suggesting a need to return to the past in order to make progress. Adding to this "Back to the Future" theme, Kait uses a picture of an old-fashioned telephone to promote the Teleportation Tweak.

Any theories on what Mr Kait's message could mean? Is he rejecting modern audiophile wisdowm in favor of his own concepts? But then what is so "retro" about his approach? Perhaps the secret of the Teleportation Tweak lies in the answer to this riddle.

Or not.