Wow, as many times as it may have been used on this forum in the past, the term "beat to death" is a gross understatement regarding this topic and the endlessly circular nature of the related posts... tune in tomorrow to see who had..."The Last Word" in syndication here at Audiogon...
For those attacking: The constant chat fuss would seem only to serve continued interest and "buzz" in the very products you think are junk. Ignoring products that _depend_ on internet buzz and cotroversy to sell would seem a more effective tack. My guess is that B&M, HT and custom-install sales of these products aren't exactly booming. Ever wonder why thread after thread on the topic keeps appearing on a site that is likely the sole generator of sales for those products? I know what Arsenio would say... :-)
Norm, getting into endless ad-homien exchanges does not serve anyones interests in the long run. It's not like your point becomes more clear after 50 posts and arguments than it was after your initial posted opinion. This looks just like the H-Cat thread where well enough couldn't be left alone. Lots of time and band-width wasted restating the same thing and arguing with anything that didn't move in your direction. Looks a little missionary-like to the uninformed.
It looks like everybody made their point like thrty posts ago. I've seen more insightful and entertaining scrums over leggos at the local daycare.
back to your regularly scheduled ephitets... 80)