acoustic system resonators

does anyone have any expierence with acoustic resonators?are they worth looking into?
On 4/14/07 Audiooracle wrote:

The Resonators were tested an(d) they actually absorb certain emi and rfi frequencies.

I read the phrase "absorb certain emi and rfi" as Audiooracle saying something about RFI absorption.

Tbg, I suspect the resonators do exactly what Audiooracle and others describe, I'm just arguing that it doesn't contribute to greater sound reproduction accuracy. I went to the Acoustic Systems website and read their description of their product. They state that it vibrates and adds overtones. These overtones are not in the music signal. Therefore I reason that their product is adding distortion and by definition not a high fidelity product. The effect may be very pleasant sounding, but it's not accurately reproducing the music signal.

I could be wrong. Maybe it's not akin to a Lexicon reverb, but more like the Aphex Aural Exciter. Go easy on the big bottom knob!
Sorry, I had not recalled that.

I grant that explanations of how it functions cast suspicion.

Here is the test data that you request:

The fact is that resonators work and two different sets of reviewers from two different magazines both hear and swear by them.

Why don't you non believers try them and see for yourself you might be thrilled with them.

Most electronic processing is not built to the same standards as the high end components that most of us are using.
I came across what may be a reasonable explanation for the possible effect of Acoustic System Resonators - it seems that this kind of devive may produce multiple harmonic overtones at the same time. Similar to what happens if a tube amp is overdriven but different becuase it does not necessarily add richness to a the note fact it is multiphonic and polyphonic (adds many notes - quite different from a bell).

Of course, this is passive - so it may only respond to excitation by the sound waves in the room, however, given our huge hearing sensitivity (0 to 120 db spl) and the fact that a subtle sound from a ringing cup may be audible between loud notes when music is briefly quiet then it may add something.

What will it add....if you read my link above then you will get an idea...this type of thing is used in meditations by atmospheric kind of shimmering quality is to be expected.

Is this audio reproduction - no, not in my mind but it may have an audible effect and that effect may be pleasing to some people. YMMV
Since I have to take apart my system tomorrow for my building to jackhammer through our floor, I also want to take my Resonators down off the wall. If I have time I'll try to do a quick listen with the Resonators then without them.

I've liked the results with them in the system in the past, but my system has gotten alot better since I did the test many months ago when I first got the resonators. Actually in that test, when I pulled them out I didnt hear much difference, but when I brought them back into the system, I definitely heard improvements. I have at times removed just the rear one and heard the soundstage become more collapsed. The effects were not astonishing, just nice.