external power supplies

In preamps, do external power supplies make a real or theoretical improvement? (less noise)
External supplies can be bot good and bad. Good in that you put some distance between the power magnetics and amplifier circuitry. Bad because it costs more, adds extra cabling and possible ground loops.

I have a Tom Evans Vibe pre-amp. The fisrt version had a wall wart type power supply. Next came the Pulse power supply consisting of two box external power supply. I am expecting the next generation any day, the Pulse 2, with a single large external power supply. Each step has yielded massive upgrade to the sound floor. I expect the Pulse 2 to again go way beyond the previous version. I cannot comment on the single box vs two box approach. I can however confirm the importance of intelligent power supply in this hobby. For the sake of disclosure, I am also heavily invested in Isoclean equipment.
I believe it is a theoretical advantage on today's line stages. Back in the days of real preamps (with built in phono stages), a seperate supply had real value. The smaller the signal, the more it needed to be sheilded from magnetic interfence from the power supply.

As of today, when most 'preamps' are actually line stages, the signal is strong enough, and the power supplies can be internally shielded well enough, that seperate power supplies really are only theoretical improvements.

I guess if you are still considering a full function preamp (w/phono) today, there could possibly be a slight audible difference from the phono source with an internal vs. external supply.

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Well, in theory.........you could introduce some RF noise and other crud along the cable from the supply to the preamp. Keeping the power transformers as far away as possible from sensitive circuitry is a good idea.

(Also applies to amps like the S-150. Hope Nelson isn't reading this. Inside joke.)