Upgrade Power conditioner

I use a Monster Powercenter 2600 (basic $ 150 used)power conditioner. I use Coincident PowerCables. Does it make sens to upgrade to a PS Audio, Audience, or Isoclean - $ 1,500 or $ 2,000 unit. What do they do to the music that the basic unit does not do.
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.Well, not really. The better your system is the more improvement a better conditioner will make.---One may change amps/ pre's and such but a good conditioner stays and improves the pieces you bought.--- There is a Custom Power Block in the ads for not much money but will benifit your system. I had one for 4/5 years---and moved up.---The member I sold mine to, loved it.
Hi Dcaudio,

I went from a similar Monster Powercentre to a PS Audio power plant for my source equipment a few years back (I still have the power plant) and in a nutshell, it just made everything sound better...lower noise floor, better imaging, transperency, etc.....
Yes it is. I went from a Monster to P300 and my jaw hit the floor. Big improvement, way beyond expectation.

Please audition something from the Furman Reference line. The Reference 15 can be had for 2k new, and is without question the best power conditioner I have heard. In fact, it is the only one I consider better than going without conditioning at all (using dedicated lines and high quality outlets). Conditioners are tricky and I have found usually do more harm than good if you have decent electricity to start with (e.g., don't live in a high rise). The Furman Reference series is a striking exception.