Upgrade Power conditioner

I use a Monster Powercenter 2600 (basic $ 150 used)power conditioner. I use Coincident PowerCables. Does it make sens to upgrade to a PS Audio, Audience, or Isoclean - $ 1,500 or $ 2,000 unit. What do they do to the music that the basic unit does not do.
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.Well, not really. The better your system is the more improvement a better conditioner will make.---One may change amps/ pre's and such but a good conditioner stays and improves the pieces you bought.--- There is a Custom Power Block in the ads for not much money but will benifit your system. I had one for 4/5 years---and moved up.---The member I sold mine to, loved it.
Hi Dcaudio,

I went from a similar Monster Powercentre to a PS Audio power plant for my source equipment a few years back (I still have the power plant) and in a nutshell, it just made everything sound better...lower noise floor, better imaging, transperency, etc.....
Yes it is. I went from a Monster to P300 and my jaw hit the floor. Big improvement, way beyond expectation.
