added hiss from spkr's

Addd an amp to the mix. SS multi-ch. Had no problems prior in relatively simple rig or atleast I did not notice. After making connections to recv'r(now used as pre/pro) I noticed a slight hiss/static like sound comimg from mids on my spkr's. So the process of elimination/isolation began. Long story short, I narrowed it down to the hiss/buzz coming from spkr's with only the amp connected. Nothing interconnects no nothing. That cancels out cable problems, bad dvd player, etc, etc. Just power cable plugged in and wires going from amp to spkrs. When powered on it makes the noise. Amp runs quiet as far as I can tell when putting ear next to it. What's the deal? Tried diff outlets, diff spkr...makes no difference. When taking amp out of the mix and connecting spkr's to recvr, there is no noise at idle. Amp plays fine/sounds fine but the noise, although slight, is bugging me to pieces. Amp was shipped to me and had shifted cady/catty corner while in it's factory packaging which is pretty substantial. Perhaps it took a hit/drop...weighs about 80 lbs! Could something have gotten jared loose...a transformer which it has two of and quite large. Or is it the nature of the beast to output some noise when at idle? Thank you.
Connect it to the amp which makes noise. See if the noise goes away when you short its input. Does your reciever have a spec for the output impedance of its pre-outs? 50 ohms or less would be nice.
Eldartford...specs read pre out (front, center, surr, surr bk, sw) 1k and then a little horseshoe looking symbol/ohm?and then 1.0V Chinese to me. Thanks for the schoolin'
those specs were listed after the output level listed the tape monitor rec and then pre out.
Mnnc...Yes, the little horseshoe means "ohms". 1K ohms means 1,000 ohms. This is quite high. Many tube preamps run about 600 ohms, which is OK for input to most tube amplifiers, but not the greatest for SS amps. Solid state preamps usually run 50 ohms or less. I am not surprised that your receiver is was not really designed to be a preamp.

Did you try the shorting experiment? It just might work. Of course it won't solve your problem, but if you know the reason you may be able to live with it.