House AC Line Variance

A question about AC...

My measured AC line voltage runs from 123 to 130 VAC. Lowest in the evening and highest in the morning. I assume this is due to load in the neighborhood. It really affects the bias on my tube integrated.

So is this a normal range (seems high) and is that big of fluctuation?

Is this something that can be "controlled" at the house or is this the power company?

Thanks for any info.
Your voltage seems a bit high. Mine varies from 116 VAC to 121 VAC depending upon the time of day and the load presented by the equipment that is running. It usually stays right around 119 VAC for the most part. I am located in Bethesda, MD just north of Washington, DC.

You should talk to your local power supply company and see if they can offer any help...

W/ most utilities, +/- 10% is the std. Over or under, they must fix the problem. You`re w/in their tolerance. They won`t much care about the effect on your bias.
This is quite normal. If you are concerned or you hear audible differences then I'd suggest the APC H15.
Porziob, I disagree! The standard is 120v +/-5% [114v to 126v]. Just checked mine at 7:30 PM [TV & A/C running] and it's 122v...but we have a recently upgraded power grid in my area.
Sola voltage regulators are very well built and priced for industry instead of audiophile silly, I've installed a lot of them over a lot of years. A quick internet search or a call to your local electrical supply house should get you some info. Monster makes a voltage regulator that should do the trick also.