The Importance of Audio Furniture

When reading reviews of electronics at trade shows I find that the Audio Racks and Stands that are used are almost never mentioned.Some noteworthy reviews show a $8000 preamp sitting in a $6000 cabinet and others show preamp's sitting atop the nightstand that came with the room.This begs the question how important is audio furniture and what are you using ?
Tboooe, I agree completely! Most people have to juggle the asthetics and WAF with performance. The most important thing for most customers is changing out the way the rack looks with different wood inserts. Odd as it seems, I sell more to women than men... and men are my 98% demographic. But most people like to spend a couple hundred and brag about what type of write up it received in a magazine :)
Audiavreseller. You don't know me and I don't know You but I feel we are very much a like. What You said earlier takes guts and sometimes is the only way to get to close minded people.
Nope, I did not get the email, Tboooe.
Please resend, my email address is on the Audiav site under "contact".

Mrjstark, you are a gentleman and now my utmost, close personal friend... anytime you need a place to store your sensitive a/v gear, I will be there!

I will come bearing furniture that will hold more than 60 pounds on a middle shelf, shielded from the near field environment and will not need re-lubed with snake oil :)

It is a sad but true fact that manufacturers, dealers and magazine reviewers get (or want) everything for free. They act like we should be honored to give them product(s).

Most of the manufacturers do not even understand what differences there are between a steel and aluminum chassis for EMI control... they also build things based upon public misconceptions. I have even talked with hundreds of electrical engineers who think lead will actually block magnetism and can't even begin to discuss EM problems... and they are "educated". It is a weird circle of the blind leading the blind. Most are hacks... Everyone thinks they know, but they are just products of common thought also :)

In the beginning, we were very excited to be contacted by seven to ten of the "big-big-boys" (of which I should not name), and none even would cough up mere pennies for the $200,000++++ systems they were showing off. I think (personally) if I were trying to show off my $60K to $120K monster amps to the public, I would want more than a La-z-boy ottoman to show it off.

Thank you all for your input.I recently had the opportunity to
place my tubed amps on decent and "GOOD LOOKING" stands.
The improvement in dynamics was very impressive.
So I took the plunge and ordered a four shelve rack.
My pocket is a little poorer but I know the music and my mind will be much richer.
Thank you all again