Hi Robert, it looks like we could not use the Duelands as the voltages are far too low.
I stand by my earlier comment about bypassing: bypassing any coupling cap with another will result in smearing and there is no way to get around this. The rather in depth comments about the V-Cap, Dueland and Mundorfs earlier refers to bypassing and does cause me to wonder how to take the comments in the face of the known/repeatable effects of bypass smearing.
BTW, we liked the top line Mundorf a little better than the V-Cap in some areas, but leakage issues kept us away from it. The question did arise whether it was slightly more romantic or not, as everything seemed a little more 'beautiful' with the Mundorfs (even things that were not supposed to be so beautiful). The V-Caps did not do this, but they did reveal other subtle differences we didn't hear with the Mundorfs. My personal opinion is based entirely on the use of circuits that we regard as the world's most transparent, lacking transformers altogether and using a fair amount of direct-coupling at both the output of the preamp and the output of the amps, both of which are all-tube.
So you will have to regard my comments in that light- that I regard a transformer in the way as presenting a synergistic effect with a coupling cap that may skew the findings!
My comments here are not intended to offend, but to give you a better idea of how we came to where we did.
We also believe audio should be fun and entertaining... and DIY is clearly one of those areas.