Anybody familiar with Mundorf silver&oil caps

I am planning to use 3.9uF Mundorf silver oils as output coupling caps in my phono stage. ( The stock coupling caps consists of a paired 4.7uF and 3.3uf polypropylenes )

I have a couple of 0.022uF TFTF V-Caps lying around. Would there be any benefit in bypassing the 3.9uF Mundorf with the smaller V-Caps or am I just wasting my time?

Generally I do not like bypassing coupling caps, but the 3.9uF is somewhat big and I am concerned that it is going to be a little slow.

I know I can always try and see what it sounds like, but the V-Caps are unused, so if there would be zero benefit I’d rather leave them in unused state for the possibility of selling or swapping them out later on.

Comments/thoughts/experiences would be appreciated.

Hi Ralph. looks like we could not use the Duelands as the voltages are far too low.

I suspect that's why they specifically recommended the VSF for loudspeaker applications - the lower voltage rating of 100v along with their physical parameters doesn't appear to make them practical a lot of electronics. I would be a little concerned too about the materials stability in the harsher heat environments of a lot of electronics.

I'm curious if you tried a V-cap or Mundorf by themselves( un-bypassed ) in the outputs of your preamp. Also, what is the output impedance of your preamp and what value of cap is in your pre outputs?
I replaced the output coupling caps in my Altmann DAC twice..and now have the .82uf Mundorf silver and oils in place. Rolls off the low end into the 50kohm input of my preamp at 3.9 hz. Everything in everyway became more musical and more detailed. All is more attached to each other and more phase coherent. This is the latest of the mods I have or have had another perform on the Altmann Dac and the battery and capacitor bank now attached. Some Mundorf silver and oils are going to find their way into my Caravelle's as part of the upgrades I am now performing on these speakers. Tom
Hello I have used the Mundorf SIlver oils,the SIlver gold
and now MUndorfs SIlver oil Gold which is very good detail
with nice image depth and very good top end although spotlighted on top a bit still. I have been experimenting and the Duelund Copper vsf capacitor is very sililar in price than the Mundorf-SOG the Duelunds are now all 200v
Myself as a Audio dealer am working with the designerJohn on the Breakthrough NSR Sonic Research D-3 loudspeaker and have been tweaking the standard model with the Very good Auri caps-vishay resistors ,and the optional Reference special edition Xover with Duelund resistors and caps ,or Mundorf depending on other associated equipment and the Superb Solen Hepa Litz inductors.You will find no $5k loudspeaker with this parts quality with point to point construction that sounds anywhere near this good.If you hear it and have the resources you will buy it! Watch for upcoming reviews in positive feeback online .
If one spends enough time experimenting with bypassing coupling caps. It is possible to find a synegistic match-up that does not cause detrimental time/phase smearing. In addition, no capacitor is perfectly transparent. Non bypassed capacitors can smear up the signal all on their own.