Output Couling Cap - V-Cap, Sonicap Plat, Duelund?

I have been searching the web to find some comparisons on the above caps.

The search started with trying to compare the V-CAP TFTF to the Sonicap Platinum. With the MANY reviews of the V-CAP out there, I have yet to find one that has compared the two. If anyone could be so kind to point me in the direction of the review, comparison, blurb, whatever - it would be appreciated.

I would be looking to use this single output coupling cap in my preamp. The value of 1.0mf (which should be fine with my amps of 100kOhm input impedance...)

Contenders I would like to compare:

1.0mf Sonicap Platinum
1.0mf V-Cap TFTF
1.0mf Duelund VSF

My questions would be regarding the sonic differences, and or "house sound" of one cap versus the other.

I read the reviews on the V-Caps - yep, more detail, more this, more that. Is this at the expense of sounding organic and liquid?

Sonic preference would be neutrality - without sounding etched or strident, and if anything other than neutral to have an organic, and liquid naturalness to it.

Any help, insight, direction is appreciated. Thank you for your time.
I found this comparison at Audiocircle. I don't have experience with the Sonicap Platinum or Duelund caps, however I'm using 2uf TFTF V-Caps as output couplers in my deHavilland UV with excellent results. Clearly better then OIMP V-Caps, Mundorf SIOs, or Auricaps. The Duelunds may not have a high enough voltage rating for this application.
Thanks for the responses.

Duelund now has a 200v signal cap as well as a 630v version...

Here is a link to the US importers site for the 200v signal cap page: http://www.electrumaudio.com/duelund-vsf-pio.html
The "cute little" thing for the 1.0uf is $210 per cap.

Approx size for one cap is 33/64" thick x 3 3/8" wide diameter... not so little.