Small Room. Go for it or forget about it?

Well I am up against a wall.... Literally... I have been forced into a 12' x 12' room. Will be a monitor/tube setup. The more I read about small rooms, the more discouraged I am to even bother setting up a system. Please help restore faith!! I have been looking into Manley gear/ Proac/ Sonus Faber

Any insight would be fantastic
Sometimes putting the system in a corner rather than on one of the walls will get great results in this situation.
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Go for it. Like anything else, you have to size the equipment to the room. Imagine how great some exquisite small monitors will sound in there with moderate power. Like oversized headphones if you do it right.

Room treatments could be significant for a small room depending on shape, so plan some $ in that direction too.
In a small room,first-order crossovers are a necessity.You will not have the distance to allow the sound to re-assemble.In near-dield set-ups,tweeter height vs seating height is more of a factor.If the tweeter is dominant,things will appear to be bright-experiment.
There are speakers that will work in small rooms. Small and front ported would be some general guidelines. Sonus Faber has some nice ones, you might check into single drivers also. That's where I ended up getting the best sound in my 12 x 14 home office.