Dark Grey convuluted foam

This is the stuff that comes sometimes in the bottom of equipment delivery boxes.
It looks like it would be great behind the stereo as a wall treatment.
All I have is a couple of 12 x 12 pieces.
Does anyone know where you can buy a couple of large pieces of this stuff?
Ozzy where would you put the foam? The TV between your speakers would be the most apparent and logical spot for treatment. I would not use any type of foam product...they suckout to much energy and life and dynamics. The most broadly linear and least detrimental is natural long hair wool. You could make sound panels framed of 1 by 2's and covered in a fabric of choice and then hung on the wall or in front of your TV when listening to music.. Easy to move the panels about, very effective and lightweight. I have a few bags of long hair wool unused from several acoustic projects if your interested. Tom
I would not use any type of foam product...they suckout to much energy and life and dynamics

Absorption foams when used placed at optimum locations in the room will not kill dynamics but solve 1st order reflections. Benefits include less piercing highs and a more accurate and pin-point sound. Only when you use too much of those foams placed all over the place then you would lose dynamics and life.

Too many products around. If you're looking for foams, try foambymail on the cheap. If you cannot live with the aesthetics(including myself), frame them up and cover them with acoustically transparent fabric. I bet the sound improvements will be huge compared to other tweaks as the room is one of the most important component besides the equipment and placement of speakers. With the quality of your gears I believe it is worthwhile to spend more time and effort on improving the room acoustics (especially if it's a dedicated room).

If you have side walls, try absorption on the two walls in between the speakers and your listening chair. You can either use absorption or diffusion for your front and rear wall. The TV at the middle is certainly not doing any good.

Others may have different opinons or suggestions.
The problem response area has to measure as the inverse to the foams absorption efficiency
over a pre measured frequency. If not you will have a suckout and lotsa deep dark lifeless soundstage. Try that balancing act on your next year off. Most room issues can be dealt with proper geometry and the use of natural materials. Solutions and products as mentioned that are not normally advertised, reviewed, shipped, sold or suggested by retailers of any type.

Recently there have been rooms described where instead of the vendor/designer suggesting solutions at the outset of constuction,the expert has sold at the end a truck load of foam and fiberglass band-aids as the cure. I feel this approach is is an error in judgement and a dis-service to both the customers ears and bank account.
What a coincident, I purchased a foam "kit" from Auralex today with the intention of treating a small room which I'm dedicating to audio. Haven't applied it yet as I'm figuring out the best placement. Also have a couple of absorptive panels. We'll see how it goes.