New dedicated lines

I just put 4 new dedicated line's going to my system.A line for each component.I have mono blocks, a pre-amp & a cd player.Should they be all on the same leg/phase from my service box or should there be a change??
Same leg/phase. At the top, on the side with the least number of noisy appliances.
Agreed...just put two in my room in late July. I had the electrician wire them so that;

- they were on the same leg/phase
- they did not share a neutral
- all circuits were re-ordered s.t. the 20-amp dedicateds were the 1st 2 circuits off the main; this helps in that when A/C, heat pump, water heater, washer/dryer, etc...come on, they are downstream from the system i.e., the system gets first call on all power coming into the house
- the two new 20-amp lines were multi-stranded oxygen-free copper; don't use Romex (sp?)!

Hope this helps!
Use different phases for each of the monoblock circuits and maintain the same length of feeder. If you keep all your equipment on the same leg you'll be inviting a ground loop hum, especially with four circuts.

Factors which induce ground loops: monoblocks on same phase, different length branch circuit feeders, multiple dedicated outlets with only one component plugged in and all connected with RCA I/C's, unbalanced main panel, poor contact to main ground and proximity to power cords or feeders behind walls and floors. This is simplistic, as there's a lot more to it than just the "same phase - no! - different phase" argument.
I dont understand what your saying.You say different phases for each monoblock.This goes against everything i have read about dedicated lines.What do you mean "feeder"Im now really confused...
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