speaker/room bass modes

Question: If a room has a 60hz suckout with speakers "A" which have the woofers one on top of the other at the bottom of the cabinet, and you replace them with speakers "B" which have a different woofer configuration, one low and one high on the baffle and possessing a different crossover and radiation pattern, and place them in pretty much identical postions within the room, will the suckout remain? Does the room have the final influence on reproducing the frequecy or can it be overcome with a different delivery from the speaker?
I agree with everything said so far; however, I'd like to add that interaction with the wall behind the speakers is hypercritical, particularly if the speakers have rear-firing ports. You can excite a node and then attenuate it by moving a speaker fractions of an inch. See the thread about the Sumiko speaker set for details of the successful experience I just went through.

I think that optimizing the set, given your speakers, room and seating position is a first step, then work with room treatment.

Using my current test equipment, I referenced 80db at 1khz and my greatest variation is -7db at 63hz and +4db at 40hz.
I would be thrilled with that result.
I ordered the test cd from Rives and will see how that compares with the Stereophile cd. I do not suffer from any bass boom at all. It's just a general feeling that I get more thud than thump.