OK My advice is to try and find the cheapest possible receiver with phono stage locally on craigslist, or from a local paper or vintage shop for $50 - $100 and no more. Now spend about $500 or more on the best used speakers you can get. Really - break the bank - spend more if there is any way you can.
Now you have the building block of a decent system. In a year or 2, even 3 if thats what it takes, you can replace the cheap receiver with something better. If you can eventually afford one of the tube integrated with a cheap outboard phono section, you will have really nice sounding playback approaching audiophile quality.
Spending $250 each on an receiver and speakers is just too low for good sound quality.
The buidling block method is the way to go, but it requires that at least one piece be of very good quality, then later replace the weakest link.
Now you have the building block of a decent system. In a year or 2, even 3 if thats what it takes, you can replace the cheap receiver with something better. If you can eventually afford one of the tube integrated with a cheap outboard phono section, you will have really nice sounding playback approaching audiophile quality.
Spending $250 each on an receiver and speakers is just too low for good sound quality.
The buidling block method is the way to go, but it requires that at least one piece be of very good quality, then later replace the weakest link.