Differences in electric outlets

Anyone have any idea if there is a real quality or other difference bewteen hospital grade duplex outlets and say those manufactured by PS Audio, or like audio companies?
hospital grade has more to do with the bite of the chord or how well in hold on to the plug. other outlets like ps audio are coated with better metal and are isolated better yes the are more expensive but there is a signifigant difference
You really opened a can of worms that tends to bring out the worst in people...

I have used several better outlets and have found all of them to be worthwhile. The PS Audio aren't bad but for the money I'd opt for porterports (available here from AP himself) but the best I have are Oyaide. They are very expensive for an outlet, but they sound good.

Many will argue that there is no audible difference, but most of those drew their conclusions apart from testing, so they have no justification for even responding to a thread like this...

I have never seen a post from someone who tried the specific outlet being discussed, and then posted a negative response. It might have happened, but i never saw it. If anyone says anything negative, ascertain what outlet they used, if they tell you they didn't actually conduct the listening test, but that they just know... they are a horses ass and should be ignored.

Get real results from real listeners.



I have PS Audio Power Ports I switched from Pass & Seymore hospital grades. Can't say I heard much if any improvement but figured what the heck I've spent this much on my system already why short change it here. I would suggest you try a couple of brands and hear for yourselve. Relative to everything else in most systems this is a pretty cheap upgrade or experiment.

As to what brands to try I would suggest Pass & Seymore (cheap outlet about 6.50 at most electrical supply houses). Hubbel or Porter Ports (Which I believe is a Cryo'ed Hubbel) PS Audio Power Port and the Wattgate which looks interesting but expensive at around 100 bucks used 150 new.

Also if you havn't done so already a dedicated circuit is a good idea.
