Differences in electric outlets

Anyone have any idea if there is a real quality or other difference bewteen hospital grade duplex outlets and say those manufactured by PS Audio, or like audio companies?
This afternoon, I've just swapped out a PS Audio Power Port for an FIM outlet. Doesn't sound worse, can't say it sounds better. I suppose some would say you've got to let the new stuff burn in before you can tell if there's an improvement. I'm like Narrod, if I've got to strain to hear a difference, I'm skeptical there's anything meaninful going on.
Thanks to everyone thus far with you comments. I am somewhat of a skeptic as well, i.e. bought a few different power cords, PSAudio and a few others and think that the only one I really noticed a difference from the stock cords on was Audio Art Cables PC.

Photon46, is there a 'name' that FIM stands for, any reason you went with that?
Facten, not sure exactly what or who FIM is. The FIM880 was an outlet that has gotten good reviews and Galen Carol Audio extolls it's virtues. There are numerous testimonials from customers on his website ( gcaudio.com.) I had a chance to pick up a new one for a real good price so I thought I'd give it a whirl just to see if I'd hear a difference. FWIW, I have heard very substantive, immediate, no doubt about it differences between power cords. I've had such good luck enhancing my system with pc's, I couldn't imagine going with stock units anymore. As you say though, not all cords I've tried affected salubrious or audible effects.
FIM is First Impression Music
see attached site
they also have great CD's, K2, XRCD's etc...
hope this helps
Another question if I may, I see that some of these are cryo'd and others not- any real audible benefits from cryo-ing outlets?