Ipod and quality sound

I added, via I-tunes some Wagner Opera to my Ipod Classic 160g. It sounded terrible, tinny and thin, even though the system is a high end system, (Kora Galaxy tube system, Martin Logan speakers etc. Is there a way to do this correctly without compression so the sound will be as good as from the CD direct. Would I be better to use Media Monkey, or should I just abandon the whole idea as not practical
Cmo, your friend is correct. Here's a September 2007 quote from noted computer insider, Robert X. Cringely from his website:
This time independent testers are finding the new iPods have lower audio quality than the iPods that preceded them. Perhaps this stems from Apple's switch from PortalPlayer to Samsung as the source of its iPod chipsets.
I had a first-generation Nano and could swear it sounded better than my new video Nano.
The new DAC's are made by Cirrus. This link has lots of graphs and discusses the sound differences, and includes several links to the topic at the bottom:


So far, my favorite sounding Ipod was the original shuffle.